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Rainbow Tai Chi & Chi Kung with Robin and Liza

What is this form of Tai Chi & Chi Kung all about? Who is Master Choy and what is the HBMS education system based on? And who are Robin and Liza anyway? Ok, let’s start with that first…


Robin Meulen

Rainbow Tai Chi & Chi Kung Teacher

Vanaf mijn 18e ben ik op zoek gegaan naar antwoorden op vragen die mij bezighielden in het leven. Vragen als: Wat zijn we hier allemaal aan het doen? Wat is het doel van dit alles? Wat is geluk? Wat is liefde? Ik voelde altijd dat er ‘meer’ was dan alleen maar hetgeen we zien en ervaren in het dagelijks leven. Een gevoel van: ‘Dit kan toch niet alles zijn, er moet toch meer betekenis in dit leven zijn?’ De vraag: “Hoe word ik gelukkig?” werd een centraal thema in mijn leven.

Na het behalen van mijn Bachelor in Sporttoerisme en Natuursport werkte ik een tijdje als ski, snowboard en outdoor instructeur. Ik was veel in de natuur en vond het heerlijk om in de bergen les te geven aan mensen. Maar toch ontbrak het voor mij aan diepgang, het beleef vooral fysiek en mentaal. Het was erg leuk, maar ik miste de emotie en de spirituele connectie, ik voelde een ambitie maar wist nog niet wat.

Ik ging veel lezen en zoeken, opzoek naar antwoorden op de vragen die me bezighielden. ‘Hoe word ik een zo compleet mogelijk mens; gebalanceerd, energiek, gezond en gelukkig?’ Persoonlijke ontwikkeling was mijn nummer 1 hobby en passie. Stap voor stap leerde ik mentaal, uit boeken, wat belangrijk was en geleidelijk kwam ik dichter bij wat ik dacht dat waar was.

Ik stuitte op Taoïsme tijdens mijn 6 maanden reis in zuidoost Azië en Oceanië en kwam in contact met Healing Tao lessen in Amsterdam. Na 1,5 jaar beoefenen kwam ik in contact met Rainbow Tai Chi Chi Kung door een goede vriendin en dit was het moment dat ik gevonden had wat ik al 7,5 jaar zocht! Alles klikte intern en ik wist diep van binnen in mijn core dat dit educatie systeem al mijn vragen ging beantwoorden en laten toepassen!

Na een super inspirerende workshop in Nederland heb ik die zomer mijn eerste Summer School gevolgd en tijdens deze Summer School besloten om hier dieper in te duiken tijdens een 2-jarige intensieve opleiding onder leiding van mijn leraar Tai Chi Master Choy.

In deze 2 jaar leerde ik zo ontzettend veel over mezelf, over het leven, over liefde, geluk, emoties. Een alles omvattend educatie systeem over het leven, gericht op emotioneel, fysiek, mentaal en spiritueel in balans komen.

Na mijn eerste 2-jarige opleiding voelde ik de inspiratie om deze eenvoudig toe te passen tools niet alleen voor mezelf te beoefenen maar om deze filosofie en wijsheid ook te gaan onderwijzen aan iedereen die er voor open staat om te leren.

Inmiddels ben ik afgestudeerd in de zomer van 2018 en heb in totaal 6 jaar bij Master Choy geleerd. 3.5 jaar van deze 6 jaar heb ik op de school gewoont met Master Choy en een aantal andere studenten die in de leer waren. Ik heb voor een leven aan tools gekregen.

Ik heb de ware diepte en wijsheid gevonden die ik altijd zocht en geloof met alles in me dat ik mensen kan helpen met de Rainbow Tai Chi & Chi Kung lessen en bewegingen. Ik ben ontzettend dankbaar en gemotiveerd om deze tools uit te dragen en mensen te helpen om weer dichter bij zichzelf te komen en weer in balans te komen op emotioneel, fysiek, mentaal en spiritueel niveau!


Liza Disselhorst

Rainbow Tai Chi & Chi Kung Teacher

It was on a normal weekday in the beginning of 2015, that I lost my faith in mental health care where I worked in in that time, and that I needed to change something. By then I had been working as a Child psychologist for two years, with the hope of finding fulfilment and a sense of purpose in helping people, especially children, who could not cope with daily life. Instead I found myself often not feeling able to cope with my own life!

As the oldest of two children in my family I had spent my life feeling (over)responsible and always striving for the best grades, best behaviour, trying to always be the ‘good girl’. It helped me to feel a sense of self confidence but this was only superficial and limited to my mental skills. In 2013 I met Robin, who by then started studying Rainbow Tai Chi with Master Choy, and after hearing lots of stories and seeing inspiring changes in Robin, I joined a workshop with Master Choy in Amsterdam.

In this workshop I got a glimpse of being taught on all emotional, physical, mental and spiritual levels and it was as if a new world presented itself to me. An unknown world, that I felt strongly I wanted to explore! A few months after that I joined the summer school on the Rainbow Tai Chi school in Ashburton, and after that I signed up for my first FTT course. A lot more would follow.

In the summer of 2015, during an inspiring summerschool with Master Choy, I decided to give up my lovely little life in Amsterdam, to explore and dive into a real Tai Chi lifestyle in Devon. Practising daily Tai Chi and Chi Kung, gardening and learning directly from nature and her wisdom, applying the Rainbow Tai Chi tools in my job, relationship, or anywhere else I could. It helped me to grow and find my inner glow, a sense of inner peace and happiness that needs daily MOT, until this day.

My anxiety and feelings of panic could be transformed into more self confidence and freedom to choose what is important to me. Being in nature, connecting to people on a heart level, helping children and adults to feel more relaxed, happier and healthier through applying the Rainbow Tai Chi tools. I have practised yoga as well as mindfulness before, but have found these exercises to help in a very effective and fun way, coming to true healing.

I love the beautiful nature in and of Devon and am grateful for being able to share this with my partner Robin, as well as having the tools to connect to nature directly through practising the Tai Chi and Chi Kung fundamentals. Apart from giving weekly classes, workshops and 1-1 sessions, I work as a private tutor for children with special needs. And I love playing the piano and writing. During my studies I have written two books. The first one, lonely to lovely Liza’ is about my personal life story, with lessons and insights I gained through studying Rainbow Tai Chi, that can also inspire others. The second book, ‘A healing journey into Charlotte’ is the story of Charlotte, a young girl who heavily addicted to alcohol, who came for a one week intensive healing retreat and I recorded her amazing healing journey from moment to moment.

Taoism, Tai Chi, Chi Kung and our teacher Master Choy

Although it is most commonly seen in the West as movements based on martial arts, Tai Chi has its roots in ancient Chinese philosophy. Already practiced for thousands of years, Tai Chi and Chi Kung are movement arts and part of Taoism, which also means ‘the path’ or ‘the way’. The way of nature based on the natural principles of Yin, Yang and Tao that we constantly see around us. Everything is about the natural order, going back to nature. How can we learn from nature and be in harmony with nature, which is mainly what Taoism, Tai Chi and Chi Kung is connecting to.

Tai Chi is often described as ‘meditation in movement’, but according to Harvard Medical School you can also call it “medication in movement.” More and more studies show that Tai Chi and Chi Kung is valuable in treating and preventing health problems. research by Harvard Medical School is a beautiful example of this.


There are hundreds of different types of Tai Chi and Chi Kung schools, most of which focus only on the Tai Chi that focuses on Tai Chi “Chuan” (external martial art application) or on the physical fitness and relaxation aspect of Tai Chi Form practice.

Rainbow Tai Chi Chi Kung however combines 7 colours of the rainbow and their respective qualities to take a holistic approach to bring people more balance, based on traditional Chinese medicine and philosophical principles of Yin, Yang and Tao. Rainbow Tai Chi & Chi Kung focuses on achieving a balance on the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual aspect of our lives.

Rainbow Tai Chi was founded by Tai Chi Master Peter Kean Chin Choy. After learning with 7 Grand Masters and Masters in Asia, Europe and America, he was given the title ‘Master of Tai Chi’ by Grandmaster Chen of Chen Village in China. Master Choy also trained intensively with true Tai Chi legend Grandmaster Huang Sheng Shyang of Malaysia who in turn learned from his teacher Cheng Man-Ch’ing. Cheng Man-Ch’ing learned the yang style Tai Chi form from the great grandson of Yang Cheng Fu, who is the creator of the yang style 37 steps Tai Chi form. Master Choy has more than 45 years of experience and has now taught more than 40,000 students in Europe, Asia and the United States.


He has combined his experience and the lessons of his Grand Masters and developed Rainbow Tai Chi & Chi Kung in which he combines the wisdom and expertise of 7 different advanced teachers into a holistic education system. He is the author of two leading books on Tai Chi and Chi Kung “15 ways to a happier you” and “37 steps to happiness”.

The relaxed, slow and easy to follow exercises from the first book “15 ways to a happier you”, will guide our sessions, classes and workshops.

Master Choy’s Mission

“I have come not for the young or old. I have come to awaken the ancient beings within my people. There are those who have been sleeping for thousands of years and now is the ripe time for the awakening of the masters within you. This is initiation of the ancient ones. The Masters of Light shall walk upon this earth again. I have come not for the few or the many, just the ones who need to be near me to find their inner spark alight. So much lightness of their feet await them, the calling of their hearts shall hear my heart beat song, their ears shall hear the silent ones beckoning them to fountains of healing joy, laughter is the signature sound for us to come together and the voyage home to the source is simple and natural. I am here to bring home my brothers and sisters of light back to their health, smiles, plenitude, peace and wisdom.”

What? Why? Who?

What will you learn in the classes, workshops and sessions?

Depending on the level of learning we will cover the 15 Rainbow Tai Chi & Chi Kung fundamental exercises taught by Robin and Liza. Robin and Liza are graduate teachers led by Taoist Tai Chi Master Choy, who is the author of the book ’15 ways to a happier you ‘, and who has been active for 45 years in teaching Tai Chi and Chi Kung. The slow, relaxing and quiet movements bring you more peace, energy, more love for yourself and others, more vitality, balance and better health! The exercises are easy to apply in everyday situations and can be seen as tools that you can use at any time in your life to come back to more balance and inner peace!

Why should you participate in any classes, workshops or sessions?

The regular practice of Tai Chi and Chi Kung is found to be beneficial for a wide range of challenges such as: stress, anxiety, restlessness, sleep problems, depression, hypertension, arthritis, flexibility, heart problems and diabetes. Tai Chi and Chi Kung will help you to bring more peace into your life and will bring you back to a connection with the life force energy (called chi) so you will feel more energized and vital. It is a holistic way of learning and all the exercises are taught on all four levels of consciousness: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.

For who is this suitable?

The workshops and classes are open to adults of all ages. There are special classes and sessions for children. Because anyone can learn at his or her own level, it is not necessary to have experience in any form of Tai Chi and Chi Kung. The only requirement to participate is willingness and openness to learn. The more receptive you are, the more you’ll lean. You don’t need a certain physical fitness in order to benefit from the workshops, classes or sessions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Which courses are happening?

Are you interested in joining our weekly classes, or perhaps attend one of our workshops? And if learning in groups is not something you prefer, there are one to one session possiblities too. Have a look at all learning possibilites to help you empower you to grow and heal.

Rainbow Tai Chi & Chi Kung with Robin and Liza

Rainbow Tai Chi & Chi Kung for Heart, Body, Mind and Spirit Education and Chi Self Healing is focusing on an education system based on the principles of Yin, Yang, Tao and the seven Rainbow Qualities. The education system is founded by Master Choy. We are happy and grateful to be able to share these tools of healing with anybody who wants to learn!



Robin: 0031641121765
Liza: 0031633827833





The Netherlands

Workshops | One to One Sessions
Weekly Classes | Company Workshops
Coaching Sessions | Elderly Classes

United Kingdom

Workshops | One to One Sessions
Company Workshops

Rainbow Tai Chi & Chi Kung with Robin and Liza

Rainbow Tai Chi & Chi Kung for Heart, Body, Mind and Spirit Education and Chi Self Healing is focusing on an education system based on the principles of Yin, Yang, Tao and the seven Rainbow Qualities. The education system is founded by Master Choy. We are happy and grateful to be able to share these tools of healing with anybody who wants to learn!


Robin: 0031641121765
Liza: 0031633827833



The Netherlands
Workshops | One to One Sessions
Weekly Classes | Company Workshops
Coaching Sessions | Elderly Classes

United Kingdom
Workshops | One to One Sessions
Company Workshops

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